Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Governor disowns county Press Director as Radio goes to Court over raid.

Wajir Governor Ahmed Jiir addressing residents at a past function.


Wajir County Governor Ahmed Jiir Abdullahi has distanced himself from the Wajir Community Radio raid over the weekend by county officials. Ahmed Jiir said he was shocked by the raid led by the County Press Director one Yahya Dahiye.  
The governor is in a heap of hot water for not being in touch with the real situation of the county. After an onslaught of criticism from residents and media stake holders all over the country, the good governor has humbled himself by apologizing to the Wajir Community Radio board. According to reliable source, the  governor insisted that he ''was not aware of the raid and  I have never questioned  the said governance program that prompted the raid'',the governor is quoted to have said.
The governor stopped short of saying that he felt the timing was wrong and was calculated to incite the public against county government by opening a new battlefront against him in what he perceive as a wider war against his government by “enemies of wajir”.
Meanwhile, a wajir based human right organization is planning to take the county government to court over the illegal and unconstitutional raid.  

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